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Oyez publishers, Brick Lane Book Shop and KAOS

There have been some exciting developments with my new Asian publishers Oyez. I was very nervous pitching The Tree People to Linda (who has published over 100 titles) but she liked it. I originally got the idea 20 years ago. There is still a long way to go, I have to create a story board, redo all the art work, but we have the financial backing. She is also keen to turn White Wall into a book to raise awareness about mental health issues amongst children.

It's been fraught preparing for this second book launch, Brick Lane Books has been very good to me, the only shop in London to stock all my books. It will be an evening of art, motherhood and madness on 5th Feb, 166 Brick Lane Book Shop from 7pm

Finally, I am excited to be showing my War on a Scroll Part 1 with the mental health patients at KAOS Brussels, it is the first in a series of 10 scrolls I am creating about war.

As for my other work I am busy creating my postcard series, so far done 250 and my oil portrait series of my children. Been blogging assiduously having numerous articles published in Huffpost, but I am becoming ambivalent about social media.

There is still a great deal of work that needs to go on this site, I have to archive my vast library of photos, organise all my writing, and update my art portfolio, but it's a mammoth task, well one step at a time I think is always best.