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Pigment Explosion presents new songs and poems on 30th December in Singapore as part of a wider Mental Health 4 All campaign

I am very excited to be performing new songs composed between March and December 2016 (120 and rising) in Singapore. All these songs relate to mental pain and it seems like a logical progression for me to to go into music, I was performing and playing the harmonium from a young age, but stopped abruptly when a lady atteneding one of my performances told me I lacked talent.

In 2009 when I was going into psychosis the music returned but I dismissed it as a mental aberration, now in 2016, after recalling a childhood traumatic memory, there has been a musical unleashing. At first I was sending my music to people I know in the industry, then I grew frustrated and watched a youtube tutorial online and after that I have produced 20 tracks so I have my first album: Pain = Alchemy = Transformation. It has been an intense experience.

Each album will be a bespoke item with artwork, poems and mental health messages and I hope when people listen to the music it wil alleviate their mental distrss and help them not feel alone or isolated in their torment. I plan 10 albums comprising 10 songs on each Pain=Alchemy=Transformation part 1-10.

I have four performances lined up in Singapore and London and I am thrilled, if not a little apprehensive, about singing live in public again, but music does have a palliative impact on my brain, it is more potent and healing than my art.

I plan to combine music, film, poems, and art as part of my Mental Health 4 All campaign to promote global mental health awareness and ameliorate mental suffering through art and music, not pills and doctors.

Not everyone has access to first class mental health provision so what do they do? We need to teach basic mental health to all and also not be afraid of mental illnes or psychosis.

I find that psychosis has led to a purging of mental pain and unblocking, but it is a visceral state and scary if you do not know what is going on or how to not make it full blown. I have learnt how to manage my mental health through art and music, sleep and diet.

There is huge stigma related to mental health in Asia, so there is much work to be done, not just in Europe.

On 9th Dec 2016 I spoke at the House of Commons about matneral mental health and urged for a national free maternal mental health line, but really I would like to see a global free mental helath line that is accessible to all global citizens.

That's the aim.

That's the dream.

I am waging a mental health insurrection and have many supporters globally - it is not possible to do this work alone but I am doing my very best to raise global mental health awareness.